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  1. Address

    Storwartz, 7374, Røros


    +47 72 40 61 70


    Røros Copper Work's most significant mining area. 12 km from Røros town centre, 1 km from Olav’s Mine.. Guided tours : Book guided tours at Rørosmuseet T: +47 72 40 61 70

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  2. Address

    Sakrisodden, Aursunden, 7372, Glåmos




    On the northern side of Lake Aursunden, around 6 km from Glåmos, is Sakrisodden
    containing Norway’s rarest plant, the Siberian Aster (Aster Sibiricus). If you would
    like to visit Sakrisodden, please contact Jorunn at the farm by the plant sanctuary.

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  3. Address

    7374, Røros




    Molinga nature reserve stretches out from the north-western end of Aursunden lake. Important nesting and resting area for birds. One of the wetlands in the Røros region with the richest variety of species during migration. Restrictions on using…

    Add Molinga nature reserve to your Itinerary

  4. Address

    2542, Vingelen


    948 32 207


    Vingelen has one of Norway’s best preserved building communities with nearly 800 houses from before 1900. The museum contains historical artefacts from churches and schools. There is a 13th century censer from the old Middle Age church.


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  5. Address

    Tolga, 2540, Tolga




    The natural formations om the east side of the river Glåma north of Tolga are traces of the two glacier lakes Upper and Lower Glåmsjø.

    Add Bjøreggene nature reserve to your Itinerary

  6. Address

    2540, Tolga


    624 96 500


    An amazing piece of engineering. The first bridge was built in 1736 and rebuilt in 1859. This was reconstructed in 1997. The bridge’s structure is very unusual, with a clear span of 32 m, the largest in the country. The bridge is around 1.5 km north…

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  7. Address

    Kjerkgata 39, 7374, Røros


    +47 72 40 61 70


    Director Peder Hiort died a rich man. He had no direct descendants. In his will he therefore decided that his fortune of 30,000 riksdaler should be the starting capital of a foundation with the aim of furthering arts and crafts, home industry, and…

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  8. Address

    Brydalen Kirke, 2501, Tynset




    The chapel in Brydalen was consecrated in 1884. Previously, the school had been used for reading the scriptures. A grave yard for the people living in Brydalen was established in 1871. To build a church was quite a feat for the 20 people living in…

    Add Brydalen Church to your Itinerary

  9. Address

    Grøtådalen gruver, Tylldalen, 2501, Tynset


    62 48 50 00


    When you have driven down the gulley on the main road (Rv 30) from Tynset to Tylldalen, just where the road crosses the bridge over the small river Grøtåa you will clearly see the path leading to the mines. The Grøtåa valley is in places quite…

    Add Grøtådalen Mines in Tylldalen to your Itinerary

  10. Address

    Sandbekkdalen, Kvikne, 2512, Kvikne


    62 48 50 00


    Bubakk, Kvikneskogen

    About 1000 metres above sea-level, just west of Sandbekkdalen in Kvikne in Tynset, lies one of the country’s most known soap stone quarries from the pre-roman Iron Age. The stone quarry is known first and foremost through…

    Add The Soap Stone Quarry at Sandbekkdalen in Kvikneskogen to your Itinerary

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Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 16:00 (10:00 - 17:00)

Saturday: 10:00 - 14:30 (10:00 - 16:00)

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